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Our unique brain balance program uses the Melillo Method and Sensory Enrichment Therapy which can balance and upgrade your brain to reduce symptoms, boost functioning and support many disorders in children and adults.


It includes brain profiling with several questionnaires and assessments for retained primitive reflexes, balance, vestibular,

proprioception, auditory, olfactory and tactile systems.


You will be offered a personally tailored program of exercises and brain stimulation.

This is a combo of in clinic, at home or optional zoom sessions.




Balance training

Acoustic therapy

Brain stimulation

Optomotor training

Metronome therapy

Colour & light therapy

Sensory & motor therapy

Sensory Enrichment therapy

Primitive reflexes integration

Rezzimax frequency stimulation

This program is well suited to children and adults with autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, developmental delays,

intellectual disability, balance, proprioception & co-ordination concerns, OCD, learning disorders, tics, dyslexia, schizoprenia,

bipolar, parkinsons, anxiety, depression, poor memory, tourettes, behaviour and social issues, poor emotional regulation,

bipolar, brain injuries, dementia and ageing.


(includes brain questionnaires)

Regular rhythm clients (30 mins)

$80 or $70 concession/kids

*Zoom therapy sessions optional

New clients (60 mins)

$160 or $140 concession/kids

*NDIS receipts available

Sensory Enrichment Therapy


Brain Balance Program

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Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean
Ryunosuke Satoro

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